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(1 edit)

Бездне нужен ответ, слово дня. Может кто подсказать?

Ikari lookin a whole lot like rin from LiL

Потому что эта игра один из клонов Lil. Как я понял клоны специально создавались чтобы увеличить популярность Lil.

пробовал Out Of Touch? мне кажется лучшая игра такого рода

I need this game's whole music playlist tbh

Hey there! You can find all of the tracks listed in the jukebox ingame. Alternatively, I maintain a YouTube playlist with most of the tracks here (anything missing is either not on YouTube to my knowledge, or was removed):

how to solve the abyss puzzle that i have girls

(1 edit)

I really enjoy this AVN, mostly are pretty linear and there's little plot twist, but in the end are basically similar, but the originality of this is out of this world. I found myself totally confused, the grotesque in it is *chef kiss *.  And should be talk bout the total play time for one chapter and a half? Ridiculously long, chapeau artX

Just a question bout the new update 

I've seen you got new bonus renders;

Dunno how many wordle I completed but surely more than 5 and all all locked. 

Nothing to do bout it if not replaying all that final part? 

The Wordle puzzle for the bonus gallery unlocks is specifically the one on the computer in MC's room. Have you tried that one or are you referring to the Wordle in "Do you remember?" That event's Wordle puzzle won't unlock any bonus renders.

just finished this new update. the events is pretty nice the deja vu event really confused the fuck out of me which is nice, so i rate this update 9/10 you did so well dev


Could you tell me the name of the fish he killed that is asked for in the abyss?

(5 edits) (+1)

The hint is think of the name of a popular animated clownfish whom may have been saved by his clownfish father after meeting a very forgetful blue tang. 

If that isn't obvious enough (Spoiler below)

The fish doesn't have a name the mc calls it nemo because its a clownfish. I.E. Nemo is the answer.

Thank you.

If anyone gets stuck on the next one, it's Milk


I also need the name of the fish I killed. Its kind of unfun to completely lock out the player like that


I'm stuck at the abyss. I don't know the name of the fish I killed.


Waiting for public update release so I can finish the story before going offline for like few months or so:

Wait is over! :)

I did not just get RRd by a cute & sexy blonde, you did not


You sure did. ;)

On another note, I almost use "Daddy" at THAT point, and thank god I remembered not to


Absolutely love love it, just went linear and focused completely on the story, played my share of avn games like eternum, oial, lustful sin, godess whim and many more but in my personal preference nothing comes close PLEASE SUGGEST ME MORE LIKE THIS STORY PREFERABLY ANDROID


have u try Lessons in Love already? It's only for pc and it's a heavy file but i think its my favorite one scriptwise, sometimes its a bit eccentric but totally worth it, i haved already play all the games you named so i can assure you the quality behind it :D


I highly agree but also since you asked if its story stuff I recommend Corrupted Kingdom, Dimension69, and World Tamer has alot of progress with the story which is absolutely great too. Atleast for me, but dang things went too deep and I dive deep with it. Both can be played on Android and Windows. 


ikari sex


ikari wearing maid outfit with nami also wearing maid outfit sex

Can anyone Suggest for me which is better like which one should I play sandbox or liner??

(2 edits) (+4)

Personal preference. Linear mode covers the full story and just cuts out bonus repeatable scenes (be it repeatable sex scenes or just small bits of dialogue) that are used to raise your stats with a character in sandbox mode. You can switch between both modes at any time from the settings menu, so if you're not sure, you can start out in sandbox so you don't miss out on anything and switch to linear if you're not liking that (you can always switch back to sandbox to check out any of those repeatable scenes).

That said, linear mode seems to be the most popular of the two among the people I've talked to on the Discord server.

Ok cool thank you

(1 edit)

Gonna just slide my question in here. While playing linear, there are a few times it will say I received a message, e.g. "saki sent you a message" after karaoke. Is that something you will see in sandbox mode? I didn't notice anything in linear.

Also, do you just repeat sex scenes ( like if you were to use the replay function ) or do you call ppl over and they are their own scenes? Eh I will just switch to sandbox towards the end of Chapter 1 and sort it out myself lol I am curious about my first question. 


You can access messages you receive from the character menus. E.g. if you receive a message from Saki, you'll get a button at the top of her page labeled "Messages".

There are repeatable sex scenes (and non-sex scenes) in sandbox (they're different from the ones you get in the actual story events).

Didn't notice the messages of the character page, thanks 

When will v.11 be released. I really enjoyed the story and the characters. Im really excited to play the next version on android


I haven't announced a concrete release date yet, but expect it sometime around early January for subscribers and 2 weeks later for the public release.

Stuck in abyss dude questioning what is your name need help thanks

Just type the name of your character. Just look at how it's spelled in the dialog i named mine .Shota i dont know how but when i went to the history and looked at the name i typed that in and i beat the abyss


Fucked up in absolutely best way possible. Love the characters, events and trying to decode whatever bullshit is thrown into an one frame in the middle of the dialogue. Keep up the work, it's amazing!


Are there choices at some point or is this a full railroad story? I just got to Yui changing schools and haven't been able to decide a single thing for myself, so I am wondering if it ever happens.

(2 edits) (+10)

It's completely linear, there are some options but they don't matter much since from what I've seen on forums, most people who play this are looking for a linear and interesting story and that's exactly what this game does, it would be very fucked if there were options to reject the main girls or in the end breaking with them or things like bad endings, that's why I'm in favor of most people looking for a linear, loving, interesting and emblematic story, after all it is a 100% harem game.


There are some choices that do/will have major implications for character stories, but nothing that would majorly change the overall main story. There will also be multiple endings (harem and individual girls).

(+16)'s kind of disappointing to have so many endings for each girl well I think it's time to say goodbye I'll go back to dissonace good luck with the development btw.


Being able to pick between a harem ending or an individual girl is disappointing...? What?

Deleted 80 days ago
(1 edit)

Which exact part of it is disappointing? You can either have one or all. That's like the best way. Though, I don't really want to make any RO sad....

Oh....¿really? It makes me sad because I liked this game more than Lil because it was more linear without decisions that mattered that much, I guess it was nice while it lasted, cya ;(

If you've been enjoying the game so far, nothing about that experience is going to change though...? There are already choices you've had to make that impact character stories.




I'm starting to think that MC is actually Schizophrenic


What is wordle of the day ? 

I tried what is in the comments but it doesn't work

After playing wordle of the previous option, the word that comes out is the correct answer. 

My word was piano

 *The sentence may be awkward because you use a translator. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Hiii can I ask I'm stuck in how many you unlock 1 H Scenes in girl????? Please help me Anyone

This is a very fun game. I started playing from 0.5 and have been following it until now. I hope it can have Chinese so that I don't have to keep using a machine to translate this game.


Man thank you for the game. Story and ending was so good it really changed my life.

- i deleted my socials 

- i started to go outside and socialize more

- i started to lose weight 

- i started to focus finishing the book i wrote

- and i had a massive decline on porn addiction 

because this game showed me what really makes me "smile" and what i was just "being forced" to do because i was not happy.

you cant know how much i thank you for this game

Ending? Do you mean about the end of the update?



I'm just curious what is the message of this game is it despair or life is miserable so make the most of it and it seems evil at least the actions of the protagonist and selfish in a way?


How many strokes did you have as you were typing this?


managed to finish this game within 2 days, the story of this game is just too GOATED!!! 🔥


What's the name of the fish?

Girls have moans?


What is the Wordle of the day? I really don't know

Deleted 88 days ago

awake, wrath... idk the others

it's truth

it's truth

I very much like what I see, I'll give it a try

Why are the breasts so small


Because yes.


Make them bigger fr all of them are so small


mfw it's realistic to sizes from where the game is taking place. mfw the creator obviously has a preference. mfw creator makes the characters so it's up to him how they look


Honestly I find it so refreshing having small breasts in a game like this.  90% of AVN's have girls with giant tits.  Personally, I prefer them on the smaller side, so I'm quite happy.

Yea i dont really like giants too but these are too small,they should me medium


why's ikari lowkey giving yoriichi vibes tho


Ikari's supremacy man


i just finished the game, it's so fucking good bro


the story and everything is just GOOD AS FUCK


Me who just finished game for 5th time and deleted it right before teaser dropped(I am gonna have to do it again for 6th time):


I finished the game after two weeks (excellent game, I cried a few times with it for me 100/10) but I don't know much about the overall story in English and I didn't translate the main part of the story because I play the game without wifi. 


Me who knows that not every girl will be happy at end while I cant do anything about it:

My recommendation is that in the next update they include two or three more languages such as Spanish (mainly this one since in the Spanish-speaking community we are stuck on 0.5.0)French and German, which are the most widely used languages in the world, aside from all this, it is a 1000000/10 game, the best I have ever played.

German is far from being the most widely spoken language. Russian is one of the most widely spoken, so it would be better to add it.

not tomori doing the i show speed face XD


While it is painfully obvious that Lessons in Love and Dissonance are an "inspiration", as in most of the character interactions and stylistic devices are a little too similiar to not feel intentional and rather clumsy. Due to the very strong similarities it mostly feels kind of like an empty and meaningless collection of references to these games, but i that obviously applies only if the reader has also read the other two beforehand. 

Near the end of chapter 1 it gets way better and more original. I really hope the originality keeps up in future updates and it doesn't revert back to being a LiL/Dissonance clone.

The pace of the character progressions is a very nice mix, with some being slower and others being more turbulent, which makes a pleasant experience.

I really love the UX tho, it is by far the best out of every VN i've read on here so far. I really wish some other VNs would take "inspiration" from the way your menus navigate and you can crossreference pretty much everything with one click.

I'm really looking forward to where this is going.

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